About Origo Group

We are experts in finding out what people think and feel

Hello! We are Origo Group, a leading insights and research company. We help decision-makers in business and society confidently step into the future. We do this by providing well-founded insights into what customers really think, how the market is evolving, how the brand is perceived, and how satisfied employees are.

Our team consists of consultants, statisticians, and analysts whose professional pride and experience cannot be underestimated. It is an art to choose the method, ask the right questions, secure response rates, and develop sharp analyzes and accurate insights. And we master it!

Our goal is to simplify the complex and provide decision-makers with insights that make it easier to make good decisions.

Welcome to us!

Get insights!

Market, Employees, Society, Customers, or Brand. What do you want to gain insights into? Here you will find the various surveys we offer.

Our services
What we do and how we do it

We can basically find out anything

Our surveys are always planned, conducted, and analyzed by ourselves. This allows us to quickly choose the right method, secure resources, and guarantee quality whether it is quantitative or qualitative surveys conducted digitally, via panels, telephone, postal, or in the field. Read more here about our different methods and how we work.

What we do

About Origo Group

Origo Group is one of the country’s leading insight and research companies. We are located in Stockholm, Linköping, and Gothenburg. Origo Group was formed in 2017 after the merger of CMA Research, Markör Marknad & Kommunikation, and ScandInfo. Over time, the companies Mind Research, Investigo, and GreatRate have been added. Origo Group AB includes the companies Origo Group Sweden, Origo Group IT Solutions, Origo Group Data Collection, Origo Group Consulting, and GreatRate. Click here for a list of Business ID numbers.

We are members of ESOMAR

We are members of ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Market Research). Members of ESOMAR commit to following the industry’s ethical rules and quality guidelines.