
If you want to talk to any of us, feel free to reach out!

Business & Private Sector

Karin Hedelin-Lundén Origo Group

Karin Hedelin-Lundén

Would you like us to contact you?

The text contains JavaScript code that includes functions for opening terms, submitting a form, and validating form data. It also includes a form for users to fill out with fields for first name, last name, email, company, title, and phone. The form submission triggers an AJAX request to process the data and redirect the user to a thank you page once the form is successfully submitted. Additionally, the form includes a checkbox for opting in, and the phone number field utilizes the `intlTelInput` library for international phone number input.

Find your way to us:


Visiting address:
Odinsgatan 10
411 03 Gothenburg

Mailing address:
Origo Group
Box 3163
400 10 Gothenburg


Visit &
Mailing address:

Origo Group
Sankt Larsgatan 3
582 24 Linköping


Visiting address: Repslagargatan 17B 118 46 Stockholm Postal address: Origo Group Box 11172 100 61 Stockholm