We simplify the complex

What do you want to find out?

Welcome to the wonderful world of surveys

Everyone wants to make good decisions! And with accurate insights, it becomes easier to do just that. As a leading insights and research company, our job is to simplify the complex and provide you with the answers you need to step into the future. We do this by delivering well-founded insights into what customers really think of you, how the market is evolving, how your brand is perceived, and how satisfied your employees are.

Our insights are based on reliable data, established methods, and sharp analysis. Plus, they are always actionable. Say hello to well-being employees, new growth areas, and increased profitability!


Asking for it gets you an answer!

It is an art to choose a method, ask the right questions, secure response rates, and develop sharp analyzes and precise insights – and we master it.

This is how we work when we plan, conduct, analyze, and deliver surveys:

  1. Establish purpose
  2. Choose method
  3. Develop questionnaire
  4. Collect data
  5. Secure Response Rates
  6. Analyze the data
  7. Develop precise
  8. Delivery in Origo Live
    or in a report

Stylish packaging with real-time insights

Our work results in a report and/or a digital decision support that is available 24/7. Our platform Origo Live visualizes insights clearly, simply, and elegantly, provides real-time feedback, and enables you as a decision maker to pick out exactly the material you need.

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All and a little more

We conduct hundreds of thousands of interviews every year.

We work with all types of surveys and mix methods when needed to ensure a high response rate.


Telephone interviews in our own call center.


Field interviews with own staff.


Web interviews via email.


Own panel and web panelists in Sweden.


Surveys that are sent out by mail.


Mixed methods in multiple steps.

Focus group

Dialogue with representatives from the target group.


Pulse examinations via mobile phone.


Do you want to know what, when, how many, or which one? Then a quantitative survey might be right.

Quantitative surveys are descriptive and explanatory at a basic level and are based on systematic data collection. A quantitative method provides precision and representativeness, as well as answers to clear questions, such as market size, market share, and target group descriptions. Quantitative surveys are used at both strategic and operational levels, and data is usually collected via:

  • Telephone interviews
  • Web surveys
  • Postal surveys
  • Face-to-face interviews


Do you want to know why? Then a qualitative study might be right.

The qualitative analysis is based on a deeper understanding of the answers through the possibility of answering follow-up questions. You cannot use the result of a qualitative study for quantitative decisions, but rather as a first step to tackle a problem. Once you know how and why, you can narrow down and quantify your results to make the right decisions.

Common qualitative data collection methods include:

  • Focus groups
  • In-depth interviews
  • Observations

This is how response rate is ensured!

It is important to have a high response rate in a survey in order to draw conclusions from the results. This is how we work to increase it:

  1. We always try to find what makes the topic interesting and engaging. This makes it easier to get respondents to answer the survey.
  2. We only ask the questions that we really need answers to. People get tired if the surveys are too long.
  3. We design the survey in the simplest and most accessible way possible. Good structure and airy surveys win!
  4. We work to spark curiosity at the beginning of the survey or in the introductory letter that accompanies it.
  5. We ensure that those who conduct the interviews are well-versed in the subject, well-prepared, and have training in conducting interviews.

Do you want to discuss method choices or hear more about how we work? Get in touch.