We can find out practically anything

Accurate insights

We love data!

And if you have found your way here, we suspect that you do too. We conduct several thousand surveys every year, most of them delivered in the form of accurate insights. But sometimes our clients can and want to do the analysis work themselves. In that case, we are happy to help with data collection.

Mixed method, web panel, face to face, phone interview, or postal mail-out

Accurate insights in sharp terrain

For us, data collection is about understanding the purpose of the collection, choosing the method, asking the right questions, and ensuring response rates so that analysts, whether they are with you or us, have a sharp basis. We conduct data collection for example for authorities, regions, larger companies, and media agencies. It can involve data collections and surveys in web panels, face to face, telephone interviews, or postal mailings.

The text "O-bussen" remains the same in both languages.

We reach the Nordic general public quickly with a web panel

If you want to be able to speak about the Swedish or Nordic population in your communication or quickly want feedback from the public on a specific question – then OrigO-bussen is something for you. The O-bus, as we call it in everyday life, is a syndicated survey where everyone who wants nationally representative answers to their questions can participate, anytime. In a couple of days, we can reach the adult population in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. The answers can then be broken down by, for example, gender, age, and region.


Ensure high response rates with a mixed method

We understand that it is difficult to reach people today and even harder to get them to respond to surveys. To ensure a high response rate, we use mixed methods. This means that if we do not receive enough responses from, for example, a postal survey, we can ensure the response rate by following up with, for example, SMS reminders and phone interviews. If there are still missing responses, we will continue with a third method.

Quality & Cost-Effectiveness

When we choose a method, we always start with the purpose and begin with the most cost-effective method. Since we always work with our own staff, it is easy for us to mix methods. Quantitative or qualitative? Postal or digital? We handle all types of data collection.

Learn more about how we work with surveys HERE


Please contact us! We promise quick feedback on any questions or price estimates.

FAQ data collection

What is data collection?

What methods are used for data collection?

Why are mixed methods important in data collection?

How is data quality ensured in data collection?

What are the benefits of in-house data collection?