Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions to our support. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, contact us at

Is it mandatory to participate in the survey/fill out the questionnaire?

Are you able to carry out this survey in accordance with GDPR?

How do I fill out the survey if I don't have a computer?

How do I proceed when I do not understand the content of the questionnaire/survey?

How do I proceed if I am unable to access the questionnaire/survey through the internet?

How do I opt out of the survey if I do not want to participate?

How do I proceed if I am missing a reply envelope?

How do I change an answer in the questionnaire/survey that I have already filled out?

How do I provide a verbal comment as a supplement to the survey or instead of answering the questionnaire/survey?

How do I provide a verbal comment as a supplement to the survey when there is no space for additional comments?

How did you get my details?

What should I do if I have received a questionnaire/survey for another person, for example a relative, who for various reasons is unable to answer the questions. The reason could be illness or that the person in question has passed away.

What should I do if I have received a questionnaire/survey for another person, for example a relative, who has moved and has not received the survey?

How do I know that the survey or survey company is not a scam?

I received the questionnaire/survey a long time ago. Is it still important for me to answer the questionnaire/survey and submit my responses?

I have received a letter from you with a questionnaire/survey. Is it a bill?

I have already responded to the questionnaire/survey. Why am I receiving a reminder?

I have lost my login credentials. How do I get new ones?

Where can I find the login details that I need to fill in the questionnaire/survey?

Why am I receiving multiple reminders if participation in the survey is voluntary?

Why have I received the questionnaire/survey even though I feel that I do not belong to the target group?

Why have I received the questionnaire/survey?

Did you not find what you were looking for?