We are the largest provider of social surveys and insights within the public sector. In order for our society to function and develop in the best way, we help you as a decision maker within the municipality, region, authority, or state-owned company to have the best possible basis for making good decisions about the future. With our social surveys, you get accurate insights into what people think and feel about important issues concerning society and its development.
Vassa insikter för en positiv samhällsutvecklingTranslation: Sharp insights for a positive societal development
Get answers to questions such as:
- How safe do people feel in their local environment?
- How do residents perceive the municipality’s services and facilities?
- How clean do people consider the hospital facilities to be?
- What is the purchasing power and willingness of households?
- How do people choose to travel?
- What is the basis for students’ choice of school?
We conduct 600,000 interviews and surveys annually within the school.
- How is the quality of the school experience perceived?
- Why is a certain school chosen?
- What does the student forecast look like?
- What are students’ drug and alcohol habits like?
Origo Group is the largest in Sweden in school surveys.
We know that there is tough competition for students today and that school choice affects both municipalities and independent actors. With a school survey, preschools and schools can increase understanding of what both existing and potential teachers, students, and parents think about the school. The data can be used to strengthen both the offering and the brand, as well as to prioritize how the marketing budget should be best spent. We conduct school surveys on behalf of both the School Inspection and municipalities and private actors.
We are industry leaders in Traffic Research.
Origo Group is experts in traffic-related surveys and we are the largest in Sweden in this area. We help most of the major players in the traffic sector to understand their customers – something that is especially important now when many have changed their travel patterns. Every day, we provide regional public transport companies, traffic operators, authorities, and regions with statistics, analysis, and new insights that contribute to improving people’s opportunities to travel.
Our traffic studies:
- Travel surveys showing how people’s travel patterns and choice of transportation look like – including with Public Transport Barometer and Traffic Analysis. We provide clear decision support reflecting both a cross-section of the population and the behaviors and needs of different types of travelers.
- Customer journey mapping and qualitative interviews shed light on needs and motivations at a deeper level – for example, how your customers act and think when planning a trip, buying tickets, connections, onboard, and after the trip.
- Onboard surveys and MSS (Mystery Shopping Studies) with our own Face-to-Face personnel collecting travel statistics and attitudes from passengers on trains, buses, and subways among others. We follow up on the quality of purchased services, so-called quality measurements, and various observation studies directly on-site in traffic.
- Brand measurements and evaluations of communication efforts, for example, in major traffic projects, introduction of new ticket systems, or traffic disruptions. We have sleek, educational, and easily accessible web-based tools to visualize insights and results in real-time.
We reach the Nordic general public quickly with a web panel.
If you want to be able to speak about the Swedish or Nordic population in your communication or quickly get answers from the public on a specific question – then the OrigO bus is something for you.
The O bus, as we call it in everyday speech, is a syndicated survey where everyone who wants nationally representative answers to their questions can participate, anytime.
In a couple of days, we can reach the adult population in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. The answers can then be broken down by, for example, gender, age, and region.
Right method for your social survey
We conduct all surveys with our own staff. This allows us to quickly choose the right method, secure resources, and guarantee quality whether it is quantitative or qualitative research within society, schools, and traffic.
Learn more about our research methods HERE
Our platform Origo Live is available 24/7
Our platform Origo Live visualizes insights clearly, simply and beautifully, provides real-time feedback, and enables you as a decision maker to pick out exactly the information you need.
Read more and watch a demo about Origo Live HERE