en intervjusituation på kontoret där två kvinnor pratar med varandra, för att skildra ett samtal med chefen efter den årliga medarbetarundersökningen


8 seconds keep track of the situation

Things are moving quickly today

Check the status frequently

We live in a world where changes follow one another and truths quickly become old. This applies in the highest degree in the labor market. What drove employee engagement and well-being among employees a year ago may not do so at all today. Just think of how many times the attitude towards the workplace and the employee experience has changed during the pandemic. Retain and develop your employees by proactively working on what is important to them.

En smiley som är målad på gatan som en symbol för en lyckad medarbebetarundersökning eller pulsmätning

What is important for you to investigate in employees?

What is important can vary greatly depending on the industry, organization, between departments, and at different times of the year. Origo Group offers a smart tool that finds what is important and has a flexibility where you can combine both annual employee surveys and pulse measurements. Create your own mix – more towards pulse, annual survey, or a combination?

Kollegor och medarbetare står i en ring och samlar sina händer för att symbolisera teamwork och ett framgångsrikt sätt att mäta medarbetares upplevelse

A pulse measurement takes 8 seconds.

It’s amazing how much you can get out of a survey that only takes 8 seconds to answer. We know because we constantly monitor ourselves – within engagement, stress, community, working methods, and leadership. Every quarter, we also dive deep into areas where the results stand out – so that we measure the right thing at the right time and don’t ask unnecessary questions. A modern employee survey at its best!

I want to know more and conduct an employee survey!

ai robot medarbetarundersökning
Pulse measurement

Ongoing dialogue drives development

Ready-to-go setup

Today we know more about how people function and perform than we used to, for example, how important psychological safety is and the positive effects of ongoing feedback. Our pulse measurements are built up of five modules that address the requirements imposed by the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the key factors that drive engagement. Leaders also receive solid support in the form of knowledge and exercises linked to their results.

Easier for leaders

Our experience shows that managers who are aware of their employees’ well-being and conduct simple and smooth follow-up meetings with their team see positive effects and want to measure even more frequently – because the focus is on faster check-ins instead of heavy, administrative work that usually follows an annual survey. Think simpler and smarter – and create a feedback culture where employees become more involved and proactive instead of all the responsibility falling on the leader.

Demo Great Rate

Smart all-in-one tool with great flexibility

Pulsar, annual employee surveys and own measurements – the possibilities are endless. Whether you manage the tool yourself or seek our help, we ensure that the tool is tailored to your needs. Smooth and educational graphs and priorities are mixed with support materials that are targeted specifically to your organization. Smart, uncomplicated, and adaptable.

See demo

Flexible modules

Choose from ready-made templates and modules. Follow up with in-depth questions where needed.

Intuitive tool

Customize questions, send out surveys, and build report templates quickly and easily.

Automatic analysis

Smart analysis finds what is important. Also works with your own questions!

Support for all issues

Tips on how you continue working with your insights. Perfect mix of light-hearted and in-depth.
Flexible tools for pulse measurements/employee surveys

Book a demo!

We are happy to show you how our flexible tool for pulse measurements and employee surveys works behind the scenes. And psst! If you like what you see, we offer a free trial period.

Annual employee survey

Classics in a modern interpretation

Partner with experience
The annual survey is a classic that has been around for a while – especially among organizations that still have annual routines and a strategic need for analysis. Origo Group has over 20 years of experience in project management and in-depth analysis in employee surveys, ranging from small companies to really large organizations. We help you follow the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s regulations on work risks and are familiar with all key figures and setups – such as eNPS, NMI, HME, HSE, exposure, and more.

Classic in a modern twist
The great advantage of Origo Group is that we know how annual employee surveys can be synchronized with pulse measurements, and what is required to adjust working methods and expectations at a moderate pace and in the right way. We help you dress the annual survey in a modern guise – so that this classic also becomes smarter and more efficient for both HR and leaders, paving the way for even better working methods. We help you future-proof your employee surveys.

We motivate and support!
So for those of you who are curious about the benefits of calibrating more often, we are with you throughout the entire journey of change. We have supported many customers who have changed both frequency and methods of measurement and know the challenges that exist when an established working method is to be replaced with a new one. And of course, you can have your cake and eat it too – the combination of pulse measurements and annual surveys is still one of the most popular setups!

Did you know that…
…you can conduct your customer surveys in the same tool as your employee measurements?
Yes, it’s true. You can switch between views for different types of needs. Get in touch and we will tell you more about a combined license!


“We get a quick overview of the situation right now”

“We have chosen to do measurements more often to signal that it is about ongoing dialogue, not something heavy administrative work”

Get in touch if you want to know more about employee surveys.

Anneli Malaguti origo group


Employee experience

+46 70 778 54 69 anneli.malaguti@origogroup.com

Facts about employee surveys

What is an employee survey?

Why are employee surveys important for companies?

What is a pulse measurement in employee surveys?

How does the process of conducting an employee survey work?

What benefits can companies achieve through employee surveys?

How can I use the results from employee surveys to improve my company?

How can I get started with an employee survey?

What is the difference between employee surveys and pulse measurements?