
Through push notifications on mobile, we can link behavioral data with attitude data in a completely new way. All collected data is visualized in real time via dashboards and enables quick actions.

Understand the customer journey for real

With the help of new technology, we can now offer quick interviews in a completely new way. Our platform enables questions to travelers on a specific bus, people moving around near a shopping center, or visitors to a specific restaurant or amusement park.

How it works

  • The technology is based on beacons, electronic transmitters, that communicate with existing apps on customers’ mobile phones.
  • The system detects who has come near a beacon and relevant questions or information are pushed out. This means that you do not need to be present, or depend on a specific time, to receive information about the customer experience.
  • As a bonus, the system can connect customers’ responses with their movements and behavior in general. For example, you can track how certain travel patterns/switching patterns in public transportation affect the traveler’s attitude.

Please feel free to get in touch

lena loven origo group


Customer experience

+46 76 722 42 33 lena.loven@origogroup.com